So if you should have iOS 14 problems with Call Recorder & Voice Memo, it is helpful to contact the developer BPMobile. Because whenever Apple updates its operating system, the developers are asked and may have to make adjustments to their apps. You have installed the latest version iOS14 and after opening Call Recorder & Voice Memo there are problems? Then this is not necessarily exclusively due to iOS 14 but in the interaction with Call Recorder & Voice Memo. Many problems usually only arise during use.
In most cases, the iOS 14 update went smoothly.
Now it is finally available and many couldn’t wait to update on their smartphone or tablet. Many iPhone and iPad users have been waiting longingly for the latest Apple operating system iOS 14. Since the update to iOS 14 you have problems using Call Recorder & Voice Memo? Or does Call Recorder & Voice Memo cause errors under iOS14? Then find out in this post what the issues with iOS14 have to do and what you can do about it.